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Angol nyelvű dolgozat Margaret Edson-Wit elemzése és John Donne -. itt készült: SzTE - Felhasznált irodalom: Margaret Edson: Wit - John Donne Poems - Wit; a film -
Szerb Antal (Rilke) saját halál konceptus -
Világ irodalmi halálképek, Nyugatosok...
She always has a dramatic humour and a crude crudity in an ironic way. She likes to play with the words as she is a lecture. “Vivian: Insidious. Hmm. Curious word choice. Cancer. Cancel.” pg9. But does she play with the Death itself or just with the words? She obviously run into this concept of death as she teach it. Actually she only teach Holy Sonnets and as time passes she must realize, that there are big differences between words and reality. Here, at the beginning of the drama she is one person with Donne, looking at the death as a poetic symbol which will come true later in a deeper meaning. Playing with death, having death is a game to play with, and as it is just a word. What is the board between poem – words – and real happinings like dieing. This is a question of Wit as well; can the words give the truth? Does a poem know the truth?