Értékelje a cikket:

Az angol érettségi nap szakmai támogatását és a feladatok megoldásához nyújtott segítséget köszönjük az Euroexam Vizsgaközpontnak.

A középszintű angolérettségi hivatalos megoldását itt, az emelt szintű írásbeli megoldását pedig itt nézhetitek meg.

2019-es angolérettségi: feladatok és megoldások elsőként itt!

Task One

Hi Liam,

Thanks for sending me the descriptions of the guided tours. They all look interesting.
I think the Newcastle Stadium Tour is my favourite. I told you that I’m a big football fan, and I think the English teams are great! That’s why I’d love to visit the stadium. And I know you like football too.
I just have some questions about the tour. What time does it start and how long is it? Also, how much does it cost?
Thanks! I hope we can go on the tour.
I can’t wait for my visit!

János                                                                 (97 words)

Task Two

Benjamin: I think it’s wonderful that you have a dream! This is a great job to choose because teachers do very important work.

I agree that teachers should be hardworking and patient. You need a lot of patience to deal with children all day. And teachers have a lot of work, to prepare as well as teach.

I think you can be a good teacher if you really want to be. Maybe you are lazy and moody now, but you are only young. You have time to change.

I think a love of children is also a very important quality for a teacher. If you will be happy to spend all day with children, then you shouldn’t choose a different career.

A középszintű angolérettségi összes feladatsorát és a megoldásokat itt találjátok.